
  • Magazine:

    HQ Profile: International Association of Young Lawyers Network, Connect & Learn

    AIJA is the only global association devoted to lawyers and in-house counsel under 45. Since 1962 AIJA has been providing outstanding international opportunities for young lawyers to network, learn and develop. Giuseppe Marletta, Association Manager, explains how the organization operates.
    8th Feb, 2017
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    Redesigned Association Day at IMEX puts emphasis on peer to peer education & networking across all levels of the profession

    IMEX Association Day, the annual event exclusively for association professionals, will feature a new, extensively researched and redesigned programme when it takes place the day before the IMEX in Frankfurt exhibition in May.
    7th Feb, 2017
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    3rd HQ Association Grand Ball

    A night to remember !
    30th Jan, 2017
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    Asia and Pacific Seed Association: Living in a challenging yet exciting time

    Founded in 1994, the Asia and Pacific Seed Association (APSA) is the largest regional seed association in the world with more than 600 members from more than 50 countries worldwide.
    4th Jan, 2017
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    Business Events CSR Initiatives Bring Sustainable Change to Local Communities


    28th December 2016, Kuching: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes attached to Business Events pave a global roadmap to drive sustainable change and development for the local community, and bring Sarawak and the world closer together.
    28th Dec, 2016
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    When ICCA comes to town

    Jenny Salsbury reports on the 55th ICCA Congress and General Assembly in Sarawak that was held last month.
    21st Dec, 2016
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    Cultural differences: Training the next generation

    Understanding cultural differences and ensuring effective communication between local and international organisers is just the starting point, Jenny Salsbury reports
    19th Dec, 2016
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    Leuven MindGate of Europe

    Leuven, just a stone’s throw from Brussels, the capital of Belgium and headquarter of many associations, is both old and new. Vibrating because every year it’s conquered by thousands of students, traditional because its history goes way back. And now Leuven MindGate positions the Leuven region as a premier destination for Health, High-Tech and Creativity.
    16th Dec, 2016
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    Prague hosts the Congress of Congresses

    The Czech capital will welcome meetings professionals including top planners from all over the world for the 56th Congress of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), which will take place between 12 and 15 November 2017.
    8th Dec, 2016
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    Programme revealed for Associations World Congress 2017 in Vienna

    Along with a list of key speakers is a packed programme of streams and sessions designed to offer great education, networking and information for the 300+ association delegates forecast to attend.
    2nd Dec, 2016
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    Brussels, offering more to International Associations

    Be Welcome, Be.Brussels.
    In order to strengthen its position as the #1 international organisations city in the world, has set up the Association Bureau, a unique resource providing specific services to the ones wishing to develop their activities in Brussels.
    25th Nov, 2016
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    HQ Profile: International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

    How to serve members better
    Lisa Astorga, Director of Meetings at the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, discusses the new strategic decision of holding an annual global congress. The new format aligns with trends in global medical meetings and will allow ISTH to be more relevant in all regions of the world.
    4th Nov, 2016
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    European Management Assistants (EUMA) becomes IMA – International Management Assistants

    The implementation of the new name and brand is scheduled for February 2017. More news will follow in the coming months. In the meantime keep a close eye on and on our social media platforms.
    3rd Nov, 2016
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    The great and the good line up for RI World Congress at EICC

    First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, HRH Princess Anne and Stephen Hawking opened the 23rd Rehabilitation International (RI) World Congress, at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC).
    27th Oct, 2016
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    ESAE, AssociationExecutives.EU Award 2016

    An interview with Michel Ballieu, 2016 Award winner
    Michel has 45 years of professional experience. He has been an association leader and executive for non-profits, and a member of our European Society of Association Executives (ESAE, AssociationExecutives.EU) for many years. A strategic thinker and a mentor, he is now an independent association advisor focused on identifying and developing management skills for associations.
    27th Oct, 2016
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    Raising money and generating income in an interconnected world

    The digital economy is here to stay – but what does that mean for nonprofits, associations, and charitable organisations?
    14th Oct, 2016
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    Asia-Pacific Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (APATAP) on a steep trajectory

    The Asia Pacific Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (APATAP) is the region’s key body in promoting and developing the cross-disciplinary study and management of threatening individuals and behaviours such as stalking, harassment, and threats. Besides holding a conference on threat management, the association is also dedicated to developing a range of professional education seminars and support to academic research in the fields of its expertise. Damian McMeekin, President of APATP, gives us more insights on the association that brings together members from different disciplines.
    12th Oct, 2016
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    Emirates Medical Association, ADNEC and Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau set to underpin capital as medical meetings hub

    Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau, a division of Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi), has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Emirates Medical Association (EMA) and Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC) in a landmark initiative that is set to further establish Abu Dhabi as a thriving international medical meetings hub.
    11th Oct, 2016
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    Vienna secures urogynecological and snack congresses

    The Vienna Convention Bureau joined forces with the capital’s two largest conference centers to bring 2,500 European snack industry experts and 2,000 urogynecological specialists to the city for their international get-togethers.
    6th Oct, 2016
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    Challenges and opportunities of holding a conference in New Zealand

    An interview with Sione Tu’itahi (HPF)
    New Zealand will host the world health promotion conference of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) in 2019.
    5th Oct, 2016
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About Us

Supported by the Union of International Associations (UIA), the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) and the Interel Group, the global public affairs and association management consultancy, Headquarters Magazines serve the needs of international associations organising worldwide congresses.