Association Meetings continue to increase in numbers, throughout the economic difficulties, from 2153 meetings in 2010 to its current level of 3111.
Governmental Meetings have also risen consistently from 498 to 656 in the same period, although still not quite reaching the peak of 707 achieved in 2011.
The Number of Corporate Meetings are slowly returning to the peak of 2010 [3454 meetings] as opposed to 3308 in 2014.
Participants Managed follow the Association Meetings trend (having the larger share of the participant numbers) and have risen steadily from 2,245,994 in 2010 to its current level of 2,861,416 - a rise of 27.5% over five years v. a membership increase of 12% over the same period.
Exhibitions on the other hand rise and fall in alternate years, with 2014 showing a drop of 9% in the number of square meters managed.
Room nights however buck the "book on-line" trend with a rise in the number of nights managed of a staggering 45% over the previous year. It would appear that the participant is reverting to seeking a service level that was previously offered when managed by PCOs.
Full-time employees, having fallen sharply over the previous two years, have now turned the corner and are starting to rise again, albeit the levels are not as high as in 2011.
And what does this all add up to: an economic impact to the local economy of meetings organised by IAPCO of 4.63 billion euros!
Full survey details can be found on the IAPCO website here.
Supported by the Union of International Associations (UIA), the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) and the Interel Group, the global public affairs and association management consultancy, Headquarters Magazines serve the needs of international associations organising worldwide congresses.