HQ Global

  • HQ #98 - February 2021 Edition

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    2021 took off strongly in search of new hybrid offerings, digital solutions and event scheduling. Associations and destinations can no longer wait for an antidote in view of the business slowdown in the event industry and, therefore, several pieces have started to move on this chessboard.

    This first 2021 HQ presents a series of fascinating cases among competitors and rivals such as CVBs, DMCs and digital/physical event organisers to build an industry with a new dynamic of cooperation in competition: the so-called "coopetition".

    In this issue, you can still keep up with our Coronavirus sector featuring several associations and destination reports; our special feature on “Convening Leaders 2021” with some exciting on-site interviews; the online fam trip we took to Japan, and our usual HQ Essential on the value of partnerships.

    In the chapter of the associative profile, we went to speak with an organization that will be vital in the months to come: the European Social Network, a growing community of more than 150 public authorities responsible for social services across Europe, and beyond.

    Without ever forgetting our high valued association partners with their insights and projects. In this issue #98 we have also prepared a whole new design for you - check it out! ;) 

    Get on the right foot this year with your Headquarters Magazine. Download our physical edition or click the button below to access our digital version! 

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  • HQ #97 - December 2020 Edition

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    The last breaths of 2020 brought encouraging reports in response to the current pandemic. Prospects for an effective vaccine being approved in the first half of 2021, are beginning to release the shackles of world society and enliven the economic recovery of our industry.

    This is excellent news for our associative community but it does not avoid the pressing discussion about new trends, canons and behaviors to address the needs of the next decade. The world is changing and the most daring will change with it!

    The last HQ of the year brings the theme of education to the forefront and provides several guidelines and suggestions for our stakeholders to properly prepare for what’s coming next.

    In this issue, HQ compiled a list of 21 tips to guide association and meetings professionals through 2021 and beyond (page 16), drafted an in-depth article on new educational methods and training priorities for the whole industry (page 14), and carry on with the saga of international conference destinations facing the burden of this crisis (Page 8).

    In addition, we went to talk to Cvent and ICC Birmingham about the digital transition and new practices to build business events again, we introduced two more association profiles to our archive (APIC and Lifelong Learning Platform) and asked the International STEM Council for an overview on the future relationship between nonprofits and event destinations.

    Without ever forgetting our high valued association partners with their insights and projects.

    Plenty of reasons to grab another edition of your favorite association magazine in print, or follow the link for the digital version. Happy New Year and Good Readings! yes

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  • HQ #96 - October 2020 Edition

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    By approaching the end of the year, we have already learned how to normalise our lives and work with the"elephant in the room" called Coronavirus.

    HQ’s October edition present the MICE industry perspective, after a very strange summer for everybody.

    PCOs, DMOs, event professionals, service providers, bureaus and associations had to adapt to new circumstances, resume their working cycles and engage with a whole new system - in which technology is king and innovation is a constant. Virtual events are definitely here to stay and this has enabled a very wide discussion in our industry about what tools, strategies and resources to use in a new hybrid Era.

    We searched for new examples of coexistence with social distance in our section, Coronavirus Vs MICE. We spoke with the CEO of the European digital association ALL DIGITAL, the Swiss congress experts CONGREX and the innovative matchmaking platform CONFERLI

    In addition, we attended and reported from several webinars and virtual events that have stood out in recent times for putting the theme of smart meetings industry on the table.

    And we also have our regular partners, with their association insights.

    Don't miss this excellent issue of your favorite Association Magazine!

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  • HQ #95 - August 2020 Edition

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    Here we are again, in the middle of August, while we have already learned to normalise pieces of an apparent dystopia. No meetings, no travels, associations cut in half and new working methods streamlined at a distance.
    This experience economy, to which our entire community and partners dedicate their activity and talent, remains at the rear of our possibilities, but if we reach any conclusion in HQ#95, it's this: virtual events are not a substitute for face-to-face meetings.

    In our summer edition, we added a new chapter to the Coronavirus VS MICE section with a long essay on the aviation sector, information on convention bureaus around the world and an interview with the digital platform, Interprefy.

    In our section dedicated to associations, we looked at why your association is today more important than ever, how to prepare for post-pandemic challenges and how essential it is to have a strong brand strategy in 2020.
    We had a chat with the International Live Events Association and the European Business Aviation Association and Jeffer London asked: "Are you as agile as your members?

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  • HQ #94 - May 2020 edition

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    The Covid-19 pandemic crisis and the resulting lockdown caught us off guard and the effects were felt gigantically in our industry. Associations, agencies, bureaus, companies and other stakeholders continue to resist the pressure of the general shutdown and to reinvent new business flows and digital alternatives with ambitious returns.

    It was therefore inevitable to include in this May issue a very special chapter exclusively dedicated to this outbreak and its impact on the meetings industry. There you can read exclusive interviews with various destination suppliers, the point of view of associations in their collective future and the financial consequences of the novel Coronavirus so far. Don't miss it!

    Within our central topic of "Sustainability", we talked to the International Emissions Trading Association (page 6) and Future Earth (page 28) on how to guide positive changes in the era of climate action; we welcomed the CEO of Cohesion Collective, Rory Gluckman (page 44), to our pages with a fascinating article on how to manage talent in leadership spheres and went to visit wonderful places like Montréal, Zurich, New Zealand or Macao.

    Without missing the joint Campaign on the 20 Women Who Advance Associations (page 40) in 2020 in partnership with Interel.

    Enjoy // Stay Safe // Stay Home

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  • HQ launches PASSPORT

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    Let us introduce you to our latest product: what you need in the mission towards your next event.

    It will be ‘opening the gates of professional destinations’.

    That’s why we called it ‘Passport’.

    Every branch of industry is a gateway and there are thousands of them in the world of associations. We hope to help associations go through the right passage to a leading destination in their field. 

    We will be opening many of these gateways for organisers of conferences to show the way, with regard to how congresses and specialised conferences can be the beginning of a brand new economic asset.

    For this time and first edition, enjoy your trip in the world of agriculture!

    Contact Vivian Xu for future inquiries and partnerships at: vivian@meetingmediagroup.com

  • HQ #93 - February 2020 edition

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    For this edition, HQ decided to focus on what to do in order to keep a fresh vision.

    "New blood for old boards" is about getting the next generation of association leaders to join the board, how to ensure diversity.

    "Cultural diversity" is about the authentic experiences and cultural programmes that a destination can offer, from nature to the immersive power of arts.

    Just to give you an idea: read how to build communities within and around your sector (page 38), the glorious opportunities you may discover (page 40), instructions for overcoming your fears (page 52)... We hope you'll find the inspirations you are looking for.

    Before you go, don't miss the second part of our World Tour (page 23) with a set of reports from Limpopo, Russia and many more - including a step into the BestCities 2019 event.

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  • HQ #92 - December 2019 edition

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    Education is an indispensable tool for keeping us up-to-date in this busy and constantly evolving industry. How to train MICE agents for better results and performance?

    How to engage in a dialogue that puts training and coaching in the center of the meetings and their participants?

    Countdown to the end of the year, our last December issue is devoted to education as a key factor in professional development, resource management and results-oriented leadership.

    The power of accessible education (page 46), training platforms for begginers (page 42) or the creation of on-the-ground relationships (page 8) are just a taste of the valuable insights we have for you.

    Also don't miss the World Tour (page 19) that our team has mapped with a set of reports on various destinations between Europe, South Africa and Thailand. 

    Kindly notice this is a web version PDF with reduced quality. If you would like to request a high resolution version, please contact us here


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  • HQ Russia Supplement

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    What do you know about Russia as a meetings destination?

    Being an emerging destination, it offers abundant new experience to the event participants and conference delegates.

    People often associate Russia with its two well-known capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - but do you know there is an entire vast country that can amaze you with their cultural, artistic and historical heritages which are beyond your expectation!

  • HQ #91 - November 2019 edition

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    In this ever-changing meetings industry, we are all facing the challenges from the rapidly developed technology. Digitalisation is unavoidable in our daily life.

    Therefore, in this HQ November edition, we are going to talk about how digitalisation is changing meetings industry and how associations are influenced by digitalisation.

    Moreover, we would also like to raise awareness of the often neglected negative effects of digitalisation. Is digital really greener than paper? Read more on page 20. 

    And of course we will take you for a world tour to Tel Aviv, Penang, Seoul, Cape Town, Hangzhou, and more.

    Kindly notice this is a web version PDF with reduced quality. If you would like to request a high resolution version, please contact us here

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  • HQ #90 - September 2019 edition

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    Between Summer break and the return to work and our daily life in this highly business-driven sector, HQ's team prepared an issue full of new articles and several topics with a special focus on Government Support, Subvention and Safety.

    Of particular note is our essential HQ on the integration of the LGBTQ community into the meetings industry, Richard Steel's recommendations on the new direction of the European institutions or the associative insights into the reality of Brussels as a host reference for hundreds of associations.

    This and much more can be found in the September issue of your MICE industry magazine.

    *Please note this is a web version PDF with reduced quality, if you require a higher resolution PDF, do not hesitate to contact us here.

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  • HQ 89 Summer Edition

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    How can your association benefit from knowledge exchange? How can international associations share knowledge as a global professional society? Are associations today facing the same problems or new? How can we improve the working environment in meetings industry for millennials?

    Among the insightful association management content on knowledge exchange, we've also packed into this special edition: ICCA 2018 city and country ranking reports, raising copyright awareness within non-profit organisations, the voice of pilots of how they are insuring the safety of our flights, etc.

    *Please note this is a web version PDF with reduced quality, if you require a higher resolution PDF, do not hesitate to contact us here.

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  • Headquarters #88 - IMEX Edition 2019

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    Is your association growing in a sustainable way? Are you interested in going green in your workplace? The sustainable event trend is growing and growing each year, it cannot be ignored anymore.

    Among the insightful association management content on sustainability and green practices that we've packed into this special edition: the new Belgian Companies & Association Law, Interel's insight on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); the Global Destination Sustainability Index, How to get partners on board for sustainability, Destinations on their way to sustainability,a profile of SolarPower Europe, how to foster meaningful connection, the European Association Summit 2019 and a long etcetera.

    Let us know what you think and feel free to share these green tips with your network.

    *Please note this is a web version PDF with reduced quality, if you require a higher resolution PDF, do not hesitate to contact any member of the team.

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  • Headquarters #87 - February Edition 2019

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    Let's devote the first edition of 2019 to Innovation & Creativity.

    Among the insightful association management content that we've packed into this edition: Benita Lipps from Interel guides us through how to overcome barriers to innovation at associations; Learn about Jeffer London's conversation with Jeneva Patterson on how she engages people with creative challenges; What is the secret recipe of agile association business models?; How do millennials consume content at a conference? Find out from Aoife McCrum of Meetings & Millennials; Exclusive interview with CultureCatch on establishing cultural agility and intercultural competence.

    We begin this year by shining the spotlight on Africa - starting from our cover. For our regular association profile segment, we spoke to the African Women in Leadership Organisation (AWLO, a non-profit organisation in Lagos, Nigeria) on gender quality for African women. Find out the five reasons why Africa will dominate the MICE industry in 2019. Would you consider taking your next global event to Joburg? Let us know after you've read our interview with Rendani Khorommbi, Deputy Director of Johannesburg Tourism.

    Let's expand our creativity while we expand our horizons.

    *Please note this is a web version PDF with reduced quality, if you required a higher resolution PDF, do not hesitate to contact any member of the team.

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  • Headquarters #86 - December Edition 2018

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    The HQ Team would like to thank everyone that made 2018 another wonderful year for our magazine.

    In this December Edition 2018, we gathered insightful articles from several industry experts on Event Design & Risk Management; Association profile of the World Customs Organisation; A new iteration of our recurrent section Think about it (by Anna Koj from European Affairs Recruitment Specialists & Jeffer London from the Centre for Creative Leadership) among other association content. We say goodbye to the outgoing ICCA President Nina Freysen-Pretorius and welcome the upcoming President, James Reed.
    We share with our readers a conversation with ECM on events that went wrong and how destination overcame their failures, our exclusive reports on Travel Trade Athens, Italy at Hand - The Event, Be@Penang and Cvent Connect Europe 2018.

    As you flip through the pages of our December edition, do not miss our new destination supplement on Hangzhou, China’s Heaven on Earth
    Have a blissful holiday season and a fruitful 2019 ahead!

    *Please note this is a web version PDF with reduced quality, if you required a higher resolution PDF, do not hesitate to contact any member of the team.
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  • Headquarters 85 - November Edition 2018

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    Headquarters Magazine brings its fresh new look to Dubai for the ICCA Congress 2018 and Barcelona for ibtm World. In this edition, we give you some insight about the perks of Education for associations.

    Also, in this edition, learn more about the new Belgian Association Law Reform, an interview with Monika Łagodzińska, CEO of The Foundation for Lifelong Learning, PERITIA, the 7th edition of our recurrent section Think about it (by Anna Koj from European Affairs Recruitment Specialists & Jeffer London from the Center for Creative Leadership). Dive deep into cultural differences when organising events thanks to Nisan Bartov, Manager of Event Initiation and Development at MCI Group and get the latest updates from destinations around the world.

    Get your hard copy in Dubai and Barcelona!

    Don't miss out on our new exclusive Dubai supplement, coming out next week.

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  • Headquarters's World Tour 2018

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    Back to the stress of the office after some relaxing summer holidays?
    No worries!
    Headquarters will help you beat the holiday blues with this light and fresh destination report, showcasing some of the latest news in the meetings industry, from North and Latin America to Europe, Asia and the Pacific regions. 
    Ready to embark? Here's the itinerary!
    • Washington DC
    • South Korea
    • Santiago de Chile
    • Athens
    • Adelaide
    • Barcelona
    • Buenos Aires,
    • Russia
    • Macao
    • New Zealand
    • Poland
    • Thailand
    • Hamburg
    Enjoy reading!
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  • Headquarters 84 - September Edition 2018

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    Headquarters Magazine is back after the summer break with a fresh new look. In this edition, we digs into another essential topic for associations nowadays: Membership

    A wide variety of experts in the field have provided their insight through numerous interviews and discussions.

    Learn more about what association have done so far after the implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), an interview with FIDI (global alliance of professional international moving and relocation companies), the 6th edition of our recurrent section Think about it (by Anna Koj from European Affairs Recruitment Specialists & Jeffer London from the Center for Creative Leadership), the Digital transformation in the association industry, an update on Congress Planning And Executive Strategy and much much more!

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  • Headquarters Technology Special Edition Part 2 - July 2018

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    We hope you enjoyed reading the first part of our July edition on Technology, we invite you to join us on Part 2 as we navigate through the forefront of technology in the associations world and meetings industry.

    Are you inspired to take a step towards digitisation?

    Follow us on social media and keep a look out for HQ#84, our September print edition is bundled with an exciting destinations supplement!

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  • Headquarters Technology Special Edition Part 1 - July 2018

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    This July edition of Headquarters comes in two digital servings!

    Enjoy browsing through the first part of our coverage on technology trends in the meetings industry, on your handy digital devices.

    Keep a look-out for part 2, which will be available at the end of the month!

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About Us

Supported by the Union of International Associations (UIA), the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) and the Interel Group, the global public affairs and association management consultancy, Headquarters Magazines serve the needs of international associations organising worldwide congresses.