The third edition of Women Who Advance Associations is back in the spotlight, this time opening a call for nominations of the best female leaders in the association landscape.
‘Women Who Advance’ celebrates the great talent, innovation, and diversity of the international association community. The campaign is an initiative developed by leading European public affairs consultancy DGA Interel, with the support of Association Bureau Brussels, Global Association Hubs Partnership (GAHP), ASSOCIATIONWORLD, FAIB - Federation of European and International Associations, KADRANT and our publishing company, Meeting Media Group.
For International Women’s Day 2022 (#IWD2022), we will once again showcase leaders, trailblazers and change-makers who actively advance our association community at the present time. To this end, the organising committee has launched an open call to extend the nomination process and help recognise female professionals who are shaping the work of the international associations - as board members, volunteers, staff members or consultants - until 28 February.
Use this form to submit a proposal
As leading voices of our civil society, association leaders have the power to act as role models and engines for transformation. Through their leadership, they can help promote an inclusive environment where difference is valued and celebrated as a key tool for strategic development. In line with the 2022 IWD theme #BreakTheBias, ‘Women Who Advance 2022’ collects ideas and inspirations for association leaders who that aim to break with bias, stereotypes and discrimination – and who understand diversity, equity and inclusiveness as part of their strategic toolkit.
Join DGA Interel, Interel Association Management,, FAIB, ASSOCIATIONWORLD, GAHP, HQ Magazine and Kadrant Law in celebrating the remarkable achievements of unique leaders, and to promote an association sector that takes an active role in forging an inclusive world.
Supported by the Union of International Associations (UIA), the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) and the Interel Group, the global public affairs and association management consultancy, Headquarters Magazines serve the needs of international associations organising worldwide congresses.