There are probably more rankings or indexes of nations than nations themselves. As humans we appear to have a primordial need to order and rank ourselves on multiple scales from tallest to richest to most intelligent and this compulsion extends to everything about us, including our countries. Many rankings of countries focus on economic competitiveness (Forbes, World Economic Forum etc), others focus on quality of life (European Commission, Mercer), others still on innovation (2thinknow) but that’s only the tip of the iceberg – there’s a useful list of country / city ranking in a recent post from The Place Brand Observer.
This article was originally posted on by Pádraic Gilligan, Managing Partner at SoolNua, a specialist agency offering marketing, strategy and training to destinations, hotels and venues.
The meetings industry has a few rankings too, most notably the International Convention and Conference Association (ICCA) index that ranks countries and cities by the number of meetings hosted there. Many of our industry magazines publish annual lists of “most popular destination for incentives” or “new and emerging destinations for events”. In short, there are no shortage of lists. At SoolNua we even have our own lists. We run a weekly ranking of Ireland based, MICE influences (scored mainly on Klout score) and we’ve just launch the second #worldICECREAMindex of destinations.
Last year’s #worldICECREAMindex had entries from over 25 countries and attracted over 30,000 visitors to the site. In a hotly contested finale between Ljubljana and Bournemouth, Ljubljana eventually won.
Amidst the hundreds of serious and fun rankings of nations, however, there’s one that stands head and shoulders above all of the others. It’s the one, in my view, that matters most as it ranks countries according to decency, neighbourliness, global citizenship, contribution to humanity. It’s the brainchild of Simon Anholt – a veritable veteran of country indices – and it’s called the Good Country Index. The latest version of this vitally important ranking has just been released and deserves the attention of politicians, diplomats, business leaders, social entrepreneurs, cultural bodies, NGOs and, in particular, anyone involved in destination marketing.
Simon Anholt’s explanation of the thinking behind the Good Country is worth quoting directly:
On the Good Country website Anholt explains that “good” is used as the opposite to “selfish” (as opposed to bad) so the Good Country index is really about a country’s altruism, willingness to share, its net positive contribution to the greater good of the human race. It is measured across 7 categories – Science & Technology, Culture, International Peace & Security, World Order, Planet & Climate, Prosperity & Equality and finally Health & Wellbeing. Within each of the 7 categories there are 5 datasets relevant to the category in question. For example, under “World Order” there are datasets connected with per capita donations to charity, numbers of refugees hosted relative to the size of the economy, number of UN treaties signed etc. Data comes from the likes of the UN, the World Bank, UNESCO etc.
The Good Country index is evidence based, extraordinarily detailed and highly objective. However, in the same way that no psychological profile can ever capture the totality of a person, no index or measurement can fully characterise a country. Anholt freely admits this but is completely right in his contention that The Good Country makes a start. So what countries rank high on the Good Country index? Unsurprisingly they are also the countries that tend to top many other rankings. 8 of the top 10 are European countries and the other 2 are members of the British Commonwealth (Canada and New Zealand). There are many small countries (populations < 10 million) in the top 15 and, surprise, surprise all the nordic countries are in the Top 20 with Sweden in top spot.
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