For the first time, the global exhibitions association, UFI, will be co-locating their 2025 Asia-Pacific Conference with The Asia Pacific Incentives and Meetings Event (AIME) at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. AIME will be held on the 10-12 February, with the UFI event on the 13-14 February 2025.
UFI is the global association of the world’s leading tradeshow organisers and fairground owners, as well as the major national and international exhibition associations, and selected partners of the exhibition industry.
UFI’s main goal is to represent, promote and support the business interests of its members and the exhibition industry. UFI directly represents around 50,000 exhibition industry employees globally, and also works closely with its 71 national and regional associations members. 866 member organisations in 88 countries and regions around the world are presently signed up as members. AIME is one of the more than 902 UFI approved (International) events that proudly bear the UFI approved label, a quality guarantee for visitors and exhibitors alike.
The UFI Asia-Pacific Conference will attract around 300 senior exhibition executives from across the region to the MCEC.
Mark Cochrane is the Regional Director Asia/Pacific at UFI and is looking forward to bringing the event to Melbourne:
“The UFI team is excited to bring the UFI Asia-Pacific Conference to Australia for the first time in the history of this conference. Australia is an essential part of the Asia business events landscape with its world-class venues, strong supporting infrastructure and thriving entrepreneurial spirit. In addition, holding our conference in conjunction with AIME, hosted by MCEC and with the support of the newly established ABEA, all make this an even more attractive opportunity for UFI’s members and the exhibition community in Asia. See you next year in Melbourne!”
AIME Event Director, Silke Calder, is looking forward to welcoming UFI delegates to AIME. “We are thrilled to have the UFI delegates here in the same week as AIME 2025. The senior level attendees from large global organisations will be a welcome addition to our event, and we will be working with UFI to make sure that they feel welcome at AIME.”
Full details of the UFI Asia-Pacific Conference will be shared later in 2024, along with the AIME Knowledge Program and Ideas Academy agenda.
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