The Fourth Detection of Gravitational Waves at the Most Important Scientific Congress in Valencia

3rd Oct, 2017

One hundred years after Einstein completed the Theory of Relativity that predicts the existence of gravitational radiation, the VIRGO detector announced the first triple detection of a gravitational signal which opens "a new window into the universe that offers a new richer and more fascinating vision". With this progress in the investigation of the detection of gravitational waves, the most important congress in this field is presented in Valencia in July 2019, the 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation and the Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves .

For a week, the Valencia Conference Centre will be the scene in which topics such as gravitational wave astronomy and all its new developments will be debated together with cosmology, relativistic astrophysics, numerical and mathematical relativity, string theory or quantum gravity.

This congress is co-chaired by the professor of the Faculty of Physics of the Universitat de València José Antonio Font and the professor of the Universitat de València and researcher at the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), José Navarro.

These two meetings, the 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation and the Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, of great relevance in their respective fields, will gather for the first time in Spain. These forums coincide every six years (the first is held every two years, the other is every three years) and Valencia is the city that has won the candidacy to host this event that will gather around a thousand people in July 2019 and which will be managed through ADEIT and will be held in the facilities of the Valencia Conference Centre. 

Revolution of the knowledge that we have of the Universe

In this event there will be plenary sessions where topics of general interest in this area will be reviewed, as well as parallel sessions where more specific topics will be analyzed. All this linked to the present since the direct detections of gravitational waves by the detectors LIGO and VIRGO "are causing real revolution in the knowledge that we have of the universe", in words of Font. In addition, professionals from the scientific field and specifically from the field of gravitation, as well as the directors of the detectors LIGO, VIRGO, KAGRA and LIGO-India, will have access to this 'triple' detection.

"The fact of winning this candidacy - prepared with the help of the ADEIT Foundation, the Valencia Convention Bureau program of the Turismo València Foundation and the Valencia Conference Centre- demonstrates the important specific weight that Valencia and Spain have reached in the international panorama in the area of knowledge of gravitation”, notes Font.

In this way, the Valencia Conference Centre and ADEIT signed an agreement in January, which aims to encourage both organisations to work together more closely, boosting contacts with professionals linked to the university whose professional career and prestige will give added consistency to bids aimed at attracting events to the city of Valencia.


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