Above the waterline it is serene, stylish and spectacular. But beneath the surface it is striving hard to maintain its position and steer a new and successful course to an exciting future. The result has enhanced its reputation with developments in key sectors of science, industry and sustainability.
Monaco is a dynamic, competitive and innovative community possessing real knowledge hubs and experts in these sectors. It is a tiny territory of just two square kilometres packed with the culture and entertainment you would expect but also offering a surprising entrepreneurial spirit and determination to become THE place to meet, live and invest because of the expertise that resides in the business and academic communities.
Monaco is an obvious business destination: Excellent hotel facilities offering 2,500 rooms, with a real tradition of welcome and a modern, eco-certified congress centre, Grimaldi Forum Monaco, which is internationally recognised by the profession.
Nestled in the heart of Europe, less than two hours by air from the major cities and situated near the Nice Côte d’Azur international airport, it is easily accessible.
With a calendar of more than 500 business events, including numerous association congresses, Monaco is strengthening its position as a destination for events.
Prices are reasonable in this safe state, the climate is sunny even in winter.