This centre, which is in addition and complementary to the existing Security Control Centre, will ensure thorough monitoring during events.
Security is a strategic factor of IFEMA's activity. Every year, more than 4.3 million visitors attend its fairs, congresses and leisure events, which require stringent protocols and systems that guarantee the highest levels of security. IFEMA is now taking its measures a step forward by creating the Security and Emergency Coordination Centre (CECOR). The new centre will ensure that IFEMA coordinates effectively with other public and private security and emergency structures to cover IFEMA’s different areas of activity, such as fairs, congresses and leisure events attended by large numbers of people.
As well as its existing Security Control Centre (24/7), the Coordination Centre will be used to share real-time information with other units, such as images, radio frequency communications, data exchange, etc., ensuring comprehensive monitoring during the organising and staging of events.
CECOR has been equipped with two large screens for viewing selected images of the event, radio frequency equipment for monitoring communications in connection with incidents in the operation of the security system, as well as hands-free telephone lines, cable to internet (in addition to Wi-Fi) and general and event-specific planimetry, plus the application of security protocols, among others.
Initially, this organisational measure will be used for concerts at the request of public authorities, IFEMA and external operators. However, it may also be deployed for other events (congresses, fairs, shareholders' meetings, etc.) which, due to their characteristics and circumstances may require such a measure. The ultimate aim is to perfect coordination procedures between the Security / Emergencies structure of IFEMA and those of other organisations involved in events.
With this initiative, which strengthens the security operations that IFEMA implements for all meetings at its venues, the institution has taken a qualitative leap in security / emergency procedures, significantly improving the response support in terms of good practices and providing added value to the service provided by IFEMA to its clients.
Supported by the Union of International Associations (UIA), the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) and the Interel Group, the global public affairs and association management consultancy, Headquarters Magazines serve the needs of international associations organising worldwide congresses.