The second edition of the Headquarters/Association Grand Ball will take place at Chateau Sainte-Anne, in Brussels, 28 January 2016.
December 2014 saw the first edition of the Associations Grand Ball, not in Vienna but in Chateau Sainte-Anne in Brussels. Cécile Caiati-Koch, Managing Director of Headquarters, had some kind of epiphany earlier that years: why not organise a refined ‘soirée’ in an elegant venue where associations would come, chat and dance all night? – no strings (or workshops) attached! The ball has since then become an annual event.
The objective of the Headquarters Grand Ball is first to bring together the association community in Europe in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. But we also have a hidden agenda to be honest! As a professional trade organisation, we are also responsible for progress in the world. And as a magazine, we can see a major challenge in the future, namely the education of young professionals from the meetings industry in emerging countries such as Africa, Latin America and Asia. In this respect, we have created a foundation - the Meeting Media Group Foundation - that will collect funds to allow young people to participate in training programmes. We have sent a letter to all our dear guest with a request to contribute - and so far feedback has been tremendous! Of course, you as a reader, can also make a donation.
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Supported by the Union of International Associations (UIA), the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) and the Interel Group, the global public affairs and association management consultancy, Headquarters Magazines serve the needs of international associations organising worldwide congresses.