Geneva has just been voted Europe's Leading City Break Destination for the third time at the prestigious World Travel Awards 2017. Held in St Petersburg, and known as the Oscars for the tourism industry, Geneva’s natural attractions, tourism offer and digital expertise stood out amongst the fierce competition for the highly acclaimed accolade.
A hat trick - the first of its kind for Switzerland
Geneva pulled off a hat trick this weekend by being named "Europe’s Leading City Break Destination 2017" for the third time in four years, an honour that is the first of its kind in Switzerland. Having succeeded against Paris, London and Venice in 2014 and 2015, Geneva pulled off a tour de force this year by beating off stiff competition from cities like Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Rome with an overwhelming majority of online votes.
"Aware of the strong potential for growth of the sector, we have been working to promote Geneva to tourists for many years now," says Geneva Tourism CEO Philippe Vignon. "We are very proud of this award which acknowledges the efforts made this year by various stakeholders in Geneva, including our team. This success confirms that Geneva has all it takes to attract tourists in search of an unforgettable weekend in Europe. "
The ideal destination for a city break
Tourism stakeholders attending the award ceremony praised Geneva as an attractive tourist destination offering high quality services to visitors, while escaping the downsides of mass tourism that affect many other major European cities. Beautifully situated on the shores of Lake Geneva and within a stone's throw of the Alps, Geneva is easy to access thanks to excellent land and air connections. Its accommodation offer is outstanding with the availability of great weekend deals. Additionally, the high number of pioneering services available; including free public transport, access to many activities at reduced rates with the Geneva Pass, a year-long rich cultural programme and even customised tours make Geneva the ideal destination for a weekend break in Europe. Thanks to this remarkable offer, thousands of voters rewarded Geneva with this highly prized accolade.
Find out more about Geneva:
Myriam Winnepenninckx
Switzerland Convention & Incentive Bureau (SCIB)
Phone +32 2 345 83 57
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