GDPR one month on – The Meetings Show offers support to businesses feeling the impact

7th Jun, 2018

The Meetings Show is offering support and providing a forum for visitors to discuss the impact of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), following changes to the law last month. 

On 25 May, GDPR – a new regulation requiring businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens – was introduced, but some in the meetings industry have been left uncertain about how it will affect them and how they handle data now and in the future. 

With data collection playing an important part in most meetings and events questions now arise about how planners can gather details from delegates, how to store that data and how to use or share it while remaining within the law. 

To help arm visitors with the knowledge they need to comply, The Meetings Show, which takes place at Olympia London on 27 and 28 June, is holding an educational session on the subject on Thursday 28 June. 

Luke Vile, Cyber Security Operations Director for 2-sec will present GDPR - one month on and how is it affecting our industry? at 11.10am in the Olympia Room. 

The hour-long interactive session will aim to bust myths on understanding GDPR and will allow attendees to share their experiences on how they have implemented this regulation to effectively understand the new compliance regulations.

Luke Vile said: "Most organisations struggle with GDPR compliance because they haven't done the basics. The basics will include; have you mapped out your information assets, who has access to data during its lifecycle, and crucially, has any of that been documented?

"Attendees of the 2-sec education session will learn more about the changes and be given tips on becoming compliant for GDPR as well as finding out more about the new legislation will be enforced, the evolution of data privacy and more."

David Chapple, group event director for The Meetings Show, said: “With The Meetings Show taking place one month after GDPR came into force, and with event organisers and meetings professionals from across the globe coming together at the show, we are in a unique position to look at the impact of the regulations and offer support. This is a chance for people to come together and discuss what GDPR means for them, and leave with a better idea of what they need to do going forward.”

The Meetings Show is the UK’s biggest dedicated event for meeting planners and returns to Olympia London on 27 and 28 June. For the full programme of educational sessions and to register to attend visit

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