DMOs and Sustainability Managers will Meet in Bruges in October

GDS-Forum & CityDNA Autumn Conference will embrace innovative and unconventional approaches to Urban Tourism and The Visitor Economy. Registration is now open...
27th May, 2024

Imagine a future where urban tourism not only flourishes but leads the way in sustainability and innovation. This October, the historic city of Bruges will host a groundbreaking event aimed at transforming this vision.

Destination marketing professionals worldwide are invited to join the GDS-Forum and CityDNA Autumn Conference, set to convene from 15 to 18 October 2024. These co-located events offer a unique platform for industry leaders to explore innovative strategies, collaborate on sustainability initiatives, and transform tourism.

The combined theme of the events, “Let Pigs Fly”, disrupts the conventional approach to urban tourism and the visitor economy, showcasing stories of achieving the impossible and driving change. It’s a gathering of bold individuals challenging the status quo, pushing the boundaries of destination innovation and transformation.

“As stewards of sustainability and innovation, Bruges extends a warm welcome to host the CityDNA Autumn Conference and GDS-Forum”, says Dieter Dewulf, Director and Tourism Manager of Visit Bruges.

GDS-Forum: Innovation and Collaboration

The GDS-Forum, renowned for its dynamic and unconventional "un-conference" model, aims to empower attendees to become more regenerative destination leaders. Through interactive workshops and collaborative sessions, participants will identify traits of transformational leaders and share actionable initiatives to drive positive socio-economic and environmental change in cities and regions. Together, attendees will unlock their collective intelligence, share meaningful exchanges, solve shared challenges, and accelerate their destinations' sustainable and regenerative transformation.

"Our mission is to empower tourism and events professionals with the mindsets, skill sets, and toolsets to co-create more regenerative and resilient destinations to visit, meet, and live in," states Guy Bigwood, CEO at GDS Movement. "The GDS-Forum offers an exceptional platform for destination marketing professionals to exchange better practices, cultivate the capacity for transformative change, and leave feeling energised, empowered, and inspired."

CityDNA Autumn Conference: Leveraging Technology for Sustainability

The CityDNA Autumn Conference will delve into the transformative potential of AI, urban innovation, sustainable destination management, and business event impacts. With themed sessions exploring topics like predictive analytics, crisis management, and open-source innovation, attendees will gain insights into leveraging technology for sustainable tourism practices.

"Cultivating a sustainable, inclusive, and responsible visitor economy is our commitment for cities and urban regions. By leveraging AI-driven technologies alongside sharing best practices and learning from each other's experiences, our members can address challenges and find innovative solutions to future-proof our respective cities. This collaborative approach allows us to explore groundbreaking ideas, from leveraging new funding models and hosting impactful mega events, to navigating crises and fostering a culture of big thinking and resilience. Together, we can optimise resource allocation, predict traveller behaviour, and make informed decisions for a more sustainable future", added Barbara Jamison-Woods, President of City Destinations Alliance.

Barbara Jamison-Woods outlines her strategy for CityDNA and London Conventions

GDS-Awards Ceremony: Celebrating Excellence

One of the highlights of the two events will be the GDS-Awards ceremony on the Wednesday evening. Celebrating this year's winners in destination leadership and regenerative innovation, the ceremony, recognising outstanding achievements in sustainable tourism, will be held at the historic Royal Municipal Theatre. 

To secure your place and contribute to shaping a sustainable and innovative visitor economy, click here

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