The Irish Association Forum (IAF) is a gathering of representatives of Irish Associations, Professional bodies, Federations, Societies and NGOs. It is a one-day education programme aimed at sharing knowledge, enabling peer to peer exchange and sharing best practices with a view to helping all organisations achieve better results and greater impact.
The event is brought to the Irish association community by ASSOCIATIONWORLD, which is a leading educator and convener of association professionals globally. This event for associations, by associations, is in partnership with Fáilte Ireland and other supporters that share the same vision.
Kai Troll, President of ASSOCIATIONWORLD, states: “Ireland is one of the most vibrant European destinations and again one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. The Irish associations and non-profit organizations cannot be left behind. There is no formal body that brings the domestic associations and non-profit organizations together regularly to discuss developments or provide knowledge sharing for and between the Irish association community. Building and extending the community amongst Irish associations and non-profit organizations is at the heart of the Irish Association Forum (IAF), creating a sense of belonging for the Irish association community. I’m delighted to mention that one of the legacies of this first edition of the Irish Association Forum is the establishment of ASSOCIATIONWORLD Ireland. It will be an independent national organization accredited by ASSOCIATIONWORLD International. The purpose is to serve the Irish association and non-profit community all year around, taking a holistic approach towards capacity building and helping to enhance professionalism amongst the domestic / Irish associations.”
Commenting from Fáilte Ireland, Paul Mockler, Head of Commercial Development said, “Fáilte Ireland is proud to play an integral role in bringing the Irish Association Forum to Ireland. It is so important that Irish Associations and non-profit organisations are provided with a platform and a community to share knowledge and strengthen connections with their international association counterparts, and that is what this event is all about. We see this partnership with ASSOCIATIONWORLD as being the start of an exciting journey in supporting Irish Associations in building capacity, improving performance and ultimately being more successful.“
At the upcoming Irish Association Forum, it will be discussed the ‘how to’ and bring the discussion on developments and capacity building to the next level. Moving from the theory, making it practical and sharing real life scenarios that worked and didn’t work for other associations and non-profits.
ASSOCIATIONWORLD is delighted to work with Fáilte Ireland who share our vision to promote cross-collaboration between industry sectors, help build capacities and strengthen Irish associations' position in Ireland, the European Union and within their European association networks. In addition, delegates of the Irish Association Forum will benefit from sources and resources aligned with and linked to the global ASSOCIATIONWORLD community: the Brussels International Association Forum (BIAF), the Geneva International Association Forum (GIAF) and the recently launched Washington International Association Forum (WIAF).
Supported by the Union of International Associations (UIA), the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) and the Interel Group, the global public affairs and association management consultancy, Headquarters Magazines serve the needs of international associations organising worldwide congresses.