Destination, Destination, Destination

26th May, 2017

As part of our newly signed partnership with the European Society of Association Executives (AssociationExecutives.EU), Headquarters was invited to join the peer2peer session ‘Destination, Destination, Destination’ organised in collaboration with Monaco Convention Bureau and the Grimaldi Forum Monaco in Brussels.

As part of our newly signed partnership with the European Society of Association Executives (AssociationExecutives.EU), Headquarters was invited to join the peer2peer session ‘Destination, Destination, Destination’ organised in collaboration with Monaco Convention Bureau and the Grimaldi Forum Monaco in Brussels on March 28th.

AssociationExecutives.EU promotes professionalism and best practice in associations; this session not only showed attendees different approaches, tools and processes that would help associations choose the right destination, but also insights on how to work successfully with the local convention bureau once the decision is made. To some, it might be obvious selecting the right destination for your association’s next congress is crucial for the success (or not) of your event. But there are many key factors your organisation needs to address before deciding where to go and when. Some of the questions you might ask yourself are: What are the objective and subjective factors? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a particular destination? What is the infrastructure like? Will it meet the needs of my association and its members? What stakeholders you would have to convince? What costs would the attendees have to cover?

This peer2peer session was conducted by Mrs Sandrine Camia, director of Monaco Convention Bureau and Mrs Laurence Papouchado, deputy director of Monaco Convention Bureau. Other keynote speakers with great industry experience include Mrs Françoise Meunier, director of special projectsat The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)and board member of the Scientific Centre of Monaco; MrsTyphaine Beaupérin, CEO of Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA).

The upcoming FERMA Risk Management Forum 2017 will be held in Monacounder the theme “Risk Manager in Pole Position”, 15-18 October 2017.MrsBeaupérin thanked the Monaco Convention Bureau for their great support since the beginning and their help in introducing the destination to the members, whose misperception of the country as an unaffordable luxury destination was far from reality. On the contrary, Monaco has proved itself a dynamic knowledge hub in the fields of medicine, finance and new technology with great experience in the organisation of association congresses.

Selecting the perfect destination is not to be taken lightly; advance planning is essential. Improving the decision-making processes of your association and the criteria for selecting a destination will help you make the right choices, manage risks and keep most of your members happy!

Grimaldi Forum Monaco

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