The African know-how, the CSIR ICC hosts exhibitions such as the Southern African Bus Operators Association

24th Oct, 2016

Exhibitions are marketing and sales activities to showcase a company’s products & services. It also offers exhibitors a platform to conduct a more personal conversation with their potential and existing clients. Exhibitions play an important role in bringing a number of buyers and suppliers or professionals and related services together in one forum thereby providing an incredibly efficient platform to conduct and conclude business with many stakeholders in a short space of time. Exhibitions are marketing and sales activities to showcase a company’s products & services. It also offers exhibitors a platform to conduct a more personal conversation with their potential and existing clients.

Report by Refilwe Nchebisang, CSIR ICC Marketing Coordinator

CSIR ICC Exhibition HallDependant on the type of exhibition there are a few factors exhibition organisers should consider when seeking a venue such as how accessible a venue is, not only for delegates using their own transport but for those who will be using public transportation too. A second factor is the suitability of facilities a venue has. This is with regards to what clients will be exhibiting, for instance, the CSIR International Convention Centre (CSIR ICC) hosts exhibitions such as the Southern African Bus Operators Association (SABOA) that tends to display large vehicles. The third factor is seamless service. A venue needs to be able to accommodate all logistic demands that come with hosting exhibitions.  Without a doubt the most important factor in choosing an exhibition venue is the safety factor – exhibitions involve a large number of temporary structures and large volumes of people, selecting a venue which does not have stringent safety policies and procedures in place can result in significant negative outcomes.

Once again this is dependent on the type of exhibition.  For a public exhibition location and exhibitors are key but for a confex (conference with exhibition), the layout and flow of the exhibition area related to the exhibition area needs to be taken into consideration. The CSIR ICC has a well-appointed exhibition hall — a vast open space leading directly from the main foyer outside the auditoria — provides exhibitors with maximum exposure throughout the conference day. The space can also be closed off with soundproof stacking doors for more intimate functions. Breaking with tradition, the hall has high quality finishes such as carpeting, which presents significant cost savings to exhibitors and clients alike, and provides a more professional and elegant atmosphere than traditional exhibition halls.

One can ensure a successful exhibition by effectively doing targeted marketing of the event to get feet at the event and to ensure exhibitors’ expectations are met. Tailoring the marketing of the exhibition to ensure that the right visitors are attracted is essential. Ensure safety requirements are adhered to and an efficient exhibition management company.


Refilwe Nchebisang,

CSIR ICC Marketing Coordinator

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