Pre-financing & Guatantee Fund (VGF) helps conference organisers cover initial costs in Holland

18th Mar, 2016

In order to encourage international multi-day conferences in Holland, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, NBTC Holland Marketing and some twenty industry partners set up the Pre-financing & Guarantee Fund (VGF) in the late 1980s.

This fund allows conference organisers to cover their initial costs and other financial risks by offering two schemes. Organisers may borrow up to EUR 90,000, free of charge and interest-free, to fund possible initial expenses under the pre-financing scheme. Under the guarantee scheme, the fund stands surety for up to EUR 90,000 for possible losses due to disappointing numbers of attendees.

These schemes may be used separately, or in combination.

Animated VGF

As of this month the VGF is able to inform organisers about their services in an animated way. We have uploaded a video on the VGF YouTube Channel which explains in 90 seconds how organisers of international multiple day conferences in Holland can apply for the services VGF has to offer.

IMEX launch

To reinforce the VGF story, this animation will be used during presentations, trade shows and other networking opportunities. Beginning of March we gave the city marketing organisation of Rotterdam (Rotterdam Partners) the Dutch scoop of this animation during their very successful Master Class.

The international launch of the animation will be during IMEX Frankfurt on Tuesday the 19th of April at the Holland Stand E100.

More information

More information on the Pre-financing & Guarantee Fund can be found on or via Paul Gruijthuijsen at or telephone number +31 70 370 57 09. 

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